If we think of photography- then we see basically a science, which can become an art in the hands of a good photographer. However the photo is immediate,usually a snapshot, an instant in time.
Nowadays people want immediate rewards and they are usually superficial.
Painting is about time, held on a canvas.
It takes time to do it and time to look at it.
When attracted immediately to a painting,(a gut reaction), it is good to trust this rather than intellectualise too quickly. But a painting that superficially attracts is often “formulated” to do this, and lacks any depth and mystery.
A painting that copies the photographic image, at best shows great technical skill, but is usually trapped in the confines (design, colour, etc) of the photo.
To move into “art” one has to start to move and rearrange the design and picture elements, to see what will happen. Change colours and learn from what happens. Be open, (loose) enough to let chance/accidents lead to new directions, (as in life !!)
This is the arena of art.
There needs to be one more thing,”mystery”, because this feeds the observer of the painting, being drawn in, to think, to participate.
For this is the most important element:
Is anything being communicated?
Is the observer taking an active role?
Can there be a dialogue?
Does it change a little, the way they see the world?
Colin Baxter.